Published Journalist
The Guardian recently published a piece I wrote about dealing with bereavement at university. It's slightly edited from the original version, but having an article that I wrote become the daily most-read in my fave rag's education section was incredible to see, and the response it has elicited even more so. Since posting many people, friends and strangers, have commented and written directly to me to say how much of their own experience they recognised in my account of grief and loss. It has been reassuring and saddening in equal measure to see how many people have been through the same emotional journey after the death of a loved one, be it aged 18 or 48 - seeing something I had written that was deeply personal nonetheless strike a chord with so many others was incredibly touching. There is certainly no purpose to be found in sudden and unnecessary death, but if I can make someone going through the same thing feel less alone in a few hundred words then it makes it all seem slightly less meaningless.