
what I’ve been doing and photographing

#NewMayDay Days 10 & 11: EuroDentistry


Yesterday I caught up with two old and dear friends over Eurovision, almost totally sober - definitely a break from tradition. Eurovision is clearly the highlight of the television year (after the Queen's Speech obv), and I loved how ultra POLITICAL this year's final proved to be. It's great that someone like Conchita could win - with top tolerant marks from Belarus and Georgia no less! - and it's great that voters snubbed and audience members booed Russia for its generally unacceptable international behaviour, and it's great that England didn't come last. A night well spent, even if it took an hour and half to get home on the night bus. Today's new experience was photographing my dentist's surgery for his new website. I don't have much experience in shooting interiors, but it was great fun to take two rolls of film in one go and play around with the light and the space. It's an incredibly sleek and stylish place, and I hope I did it justice - although I don't doubt that more than one of my shots will come out looking as Sweeney Todd-esque as this iPhone snap.