2017 in Photos
At the beginning of last year I summarised 2016 in photos, as a way to reflect on the year and not forget everything I did - and so here we are again. 2017 was a good year for me both professionally and personally, but I started doing a lot more paid digital photography which left me with much less personal 35mm. A resolution to take into 2018.
I turned 24 and celebrated 2 years with someone I love. I had the very best weekend shooting an improvised short film in Cornwall and went to not one, but two of my first ever protest marches. Realised I desperately needed to escape my job.
I went away to a remote shack in Scotland - there was driving involved. I spent a lot of time at work - doing some cool things - and also applying to work somewhere else.
I played in the Woman of the World Festival at the Southbank Centre - it was magic. I spent a lot of time in the cinema and interviewing for jobs (neither are very photogenic).
My grandma died (as happily as she could have done) and we spent a lot of time clearing out her house and seeing family. I photographed my first theatre festival, and my partner started a national tour that would take me to several places I had never been before.
I left the ICA and started a big new job. I also had a nice time with lots of friends, and went to my favourite city. I saw a lot of art.
I moved out of my mum's house to the other side of London - and lived with a dog! We had an election, and I campaigned for the first time. I went to my first rave - in Sheffield. Summer started.
I shot a very lovely wedding and a very lovely festival. I got comfy in Hackney, summer continued to be lush (and also less lush).
Holidayed with all my loved ones - Lisbon and Charroux. Read some fab books and did karaoke for the first time (for work, of course).
Started cycling to work (it was short-lived). Shot another wedding, as well as assisting on my first trailer shoot. Rejoined an orchestra and hung around a lot backstage at the National Theatre.
Finally interred my dad's ashes somewhere beautiful. Moved in with my favourite person. Went to Paris with some other favourite people. Saw a vast amount of theatre (which could be said for every month tbh).
Worked quite a lot and passed my probation. Played a concert. Went to Manchester. Made our house a home.
Revisited my university town with the people who made it good. Visited some favourites in lovely Brussels. Had myriad Christmas dinners - including my first self-made roast - as well as eating onstage at the National Theatre. Starting playing footie again. Had a lovely Christmas in Amsterdam. Ended the year well.