March 2020
I’ve put off summarizing this month. I started doing monthly round-ups as a way to take stock of what I’ve been up to as the year goes along, instead of trying to remember it all at the end - and as a way to be thankful for it. But having so much less to share right now makes me think about the value I place in filling my time with travel and culture and activity, and the reassurances I draw from being busy. Because this slower pace of life since mid-March feels valuable in a way that I’m not used to expressing, and I hope that I’ll learn from.
At the beginning of this month I went to Belgium to see my cousin and some really astonishing art in the form of the blockbuster Van Eyck exhibit in Ghent, and their Mystic Lamb altarpiece. I’m glad that if I am not see art again for a long time, that that experience is my freshest memory.
top film: And Then We Danced, the last film I saw in the cinema before everything went dark.
top book: didn’t finish a thing
top theatre: Freedom Hi, Vault Festival
top art: The Ghent Altarpiece, St Bavas Cathedral