July 2020
This was a fun month of things slowly opening up and some normality resuming, but without being able to plan ahead too much. It genuinely felt like living in the moment - which although stressful for all industries and most people with a plan felt pretty good to me. I spent time in the dark room and seeing friends, and then spent a week working part-time in idyllic France with my family. I shot a lot of film, sold my first run of fine art photo prints, and visited the seaside, a friend’s farm, and all the bits of East London I’ll miss the most.
top film: Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! an utterly ridiculous early Almodovar
top book: a tie between Sea Monsters by Choe Aridjis, and Beloved by Toni Morrison
top art: I got to go to a gallery! In June I discovered Gordon Parks who I shamefully hadn’t heard of, and lucky for me the Alison Jacques gallery had an exhibition of some of his segregation-era photography AND was screening a documentary on his amazing life.