
what I’ve been doing and photographing

May 2021

A month of feeling unspeakably moved by huge things and tiny things. I cried in the cinema, I cried after a vaccination shift, I cried through strength of feeling for somebody else, after playing football, during multiple different books, while watching a sunset on a beach, while listening to a voicenote. I laughed so much I cried on more than one occasion. I made some memories that I think will stick with me forever and I shot an absurd amount of film through which to cling onto them. It is a good life! I am very grateful for it.

favourite film: A lot of interesting shorts, particularly Another Gaze’s Palestinian women filmmakers season

favourite book: I read some absolute corkers this month, but the best were the wildly different Palestinian Walks by Raja Shehadeh and Acts of Desperation by Megan Nolan

favourite podcast: Kerning Cultures, stories from the Arab world

Alex Krook