Cove Photography, Travel, HistoryAlex Krook12 February 2017scotland, photography, sculpture, disaster
A Lonely Degree Blogroll, History, Opinion, Oxford, PhotographyAlex Krook23 June 2014History, oxford university, photography, student, study, university
#NewMayDays Day 1: May Day! #NewMayDays, History, PhotographyAlex Krook1 May 2014"new may days", bavaria, england, may day, oxford, oxford university, pagan, photography, tradition
Bits of Bavaria: Torture Bits of Bavaria, Blogroll, History, Photography, TravelAlex Krook4 April 2014bavaria, culture, germany, History, humour, museum, photography, torture, travel
"That disgusting Cleopatra" Feminism, History, ReviewAlex Krook2 April 2014book review, cleopatra, feminism, History, literature, review, women
Vikings in London History, ReviewAlex Krook24 March 2014british museum, denmark, exhibition, History, london, review, vikings